Thursday, June 29, 2006

Matthew caught the flu bug
It started off with a fever on Tuesday afternoon. He felt feverish after his afternoon nap. When I reached Po Po's place, I found him very cranky and stuck to me. He did not eat much of his dinner and did not want anything else, not even water. He refused to be carried by anybody else, except me. I asked him if he wanted cheese, he wanted, so I gave him a portion of the Laughing Cow cheese.

Little would we know that after just a bite, he vomited everything that he ate after his nap. He was in shock and cried for a long while. We changed him out of his clothes and I changed out mine. After crying, he was tired (partly because he did not have a good nap). I breastfed him and that was ok. Then he wanted tofu, which he ate with no problem. At first I thought it may just be the weather. It had been really hot the past 3 days. Probably a bout of indigestion. I was also thinking that it might be sore throat.

The fever was suppressed after a dose of baby paracetemol that night. But Matthew did not have a good sleep. He woke up several times and drank water from his water bottle.

Yesterday, I decided to monitor his fever and went to work as usual. At about 4pm, Po Po called me. I rushed back and brought him to see Dr Ong. True enough, as I had suspected, he had sore throat. Dr Ong explained the high fever (38.8oC) was most likely due to a viral infection. Matthew had never clicked with Dr Ong and cried throughout the entire session.

He cried for a good session of 20 minutes during dinnertime. Nothing much we could do. He refused to let us carry him. He also no-no to his dinner of mee-sua.

Matthew slept through the night, before waking at 6:30am. He was probably hungry. Good thing was that he had no more fever (Dr Ong had expected fever to last 3 nights). Hopefully today he has a better appetite.
Sandy @ 2:31 PM